animated film

Family I Fantasy

The movie "Babaei Wish to Fly" is a feature animation, adventure, and fantasy film produced in Iran. It was jointly directed by Hossein Safarzadegan and Maysam Hosseini and will be released in 2024.
The screenplay for "Babaei" was written by Mogdad Akhwan and produced by Mohammad Mahdi Mashkuri.
This 3D animation won the title of the best animation of the year at the 42nd Fajr International Film Festival.

I consider my time with the "Bebai wish to fly" movie lighting and rendering team to be one of the most rewarding professional experiences of my career.
Portraying children's mental fantasies has always been a fulfilling challenge for me, and under the supervision of Mr. Saeed Garmabdari, we tackled it with great success. As a key member of the lighting and rendering team, I handled numerous shots, all of which received final approval from the project supervisor and production manager.